
Friday, February 13, 2015

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare : Marine Grenadier Loot Now Available

The makers of "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" Sledgehammer Games took to Twitter recently to announce that starting Feb. 13, gamers who are currently playing the game will have access to a new set of gear. According a report in Tech Times, the game's developers in their tweet featured an image preview of what the new gear will look like.
Other exciting new things that are happening over the weekend will be the two new modes that will be featured, namely One Shot Mosh Pit and Gun Game Mode. According to the report, these new features hope to bring in more players to come and play over the weekend.

The Gun Game Mode according to the report is not the first time to be seen in the "Call of Duty" series of games as it was already featured in "Call of Duty: Black Ops." The objective of this mode is for a player to kill using each of the 20 weapons in the game. It starts with six players in "a free-for all duel that does not give the players a choice on their load-out." Every player starts with just their pistols. If a player kills another player, his weapon changes into any of the 20 listed weapons in the game.
The One Shot Mosh Pit on the other hand, according to a separate report on MP1ST, is "all about your skill with a sniper rifle and various loadouts based on Advanced Warfare's MORS rifle."
The "Call of Duty" franchise is said to have earned a whopping $11 billion for its mother company, Activision since the release of the first game in 2003. "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" is widely available with versions for PC, PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox One and Xbox 360.

Saturday, February 07, 2015


1) Gadget Master ClassThe dev team cast a vote for the new name of the “mechanic” class, and the results were split right down the middle. This class still called the mechanic but now serves as the “Gadget Master”, and includes upgraded SMG’s and Sat Phone amongst other perks.

2) A Cleaner Customize ScreenLook for a new layout to the customize screen, which should make it easier to manage your gear and weapon attachments.

3) More InteractionsThe dev team has spent time adding more options to the game. In the latest beta, look for interactive objects like doors, radios, ammo lockers, and more!

4) Longer RoundsThe team received feedback during the beta aimed at the quick progression of rounds. We’ve made tweaks to both Heist and Blood Money that should help make the experiences last longer without sacrificing any of the fun.
5) Less ExplosionsThe first beta featured plenty of over-the-top explosions and heavy weaponry. You’ll notice tweaks to reduce the frequency of explosions this time around.
6) A Cleaner HUDThe dev team heard feedback about the HUD being too similar to the one in Battlefield 4. You’ll notice some small tweaks to the display, including a clearer mini-map and clearer objective icons.

7) Stronger VehiclesThe dev team heard from gamers that vehicles were too easily destroyed in the last beta, and that is now adjusted. You’ll notice increase survivability of the utility van, as well.

8) More Sensitive AudioIn some of the game modes in Battlefield Hardline, situational awareness is very important. The dev team has been working on improving the audio cues in the environment to make it easier to detect enemies. You’ll hear louder footsteps behind you, as well as ambient sounds like rain and radio audio.

9) Adjusted interrogationThe dev team has been working to tweak interrogation to make it both more useful and less powerful at the same time.

10) Faster Movement
During the first beta, player speed was increased 10% and players running with pistols were given a +10% bonus, so you’ll notice quicker movement.

11) Camera Tweaks 
During the first beta, we heard from fans who didn’t like how the camera “bounced” when you were being suppressed. You’ll notice that your situational awareness will still be affected while being suppressed, but your aimpoint is not. Also, we’ve toned down the camera shake that you’ll experience during high tension moments.

12) Nerfing Survivalist 
Since the first beta, we adjusted survivalist to now only revive you from explosions or road kills, countering those more frustrating deaths that some were experiencing.

13) More Visual Feedback 
If you couldn’t find an overhead objective, you might be glad to know that more visual feedback has been added to help you track down your next checkpoint.

14) Faster Vehicles 
The new handbrake for cars allows you to drift, and new tuning for vehicles makes the cars in Battlefield Hardline the fastest in franchise history.

15) Sweet Spots in Heavy Vehicles 
It should be easier to bring down heavily armored vehicles from behind. You’ll find new weak spots in the rear of the heavily armored vehicles.